
Showing posts from May, 2023

My experiences with general cellular and neural cellular pathology in a case based blended learning ecosystems

  आरोग्यम् परमं भाग्यं स्वास्थ्य ्यं सर्वार्थ साधनम्। शरीरं सुखमायान्ति सततं  Translation : “ Good health is the greatest blessing, and well-being is the means to achieve all goals. In a body where health is constant, happiness always prevails. “ ज्ञानं परं बलं तपः। ज्ञानेन विनयो यत्र। ज्ञानाद्धर्मो यशः सुखं। ज्ञानेन विना न जीवनं॥ Translation : " Knowledge is the supreme power, the source of self-discipline.  Where there is knowledge, there is humility.  Through knowledge, one attains righteousness, fame, and happiness.  Without knowledge, life is meaningless." In my belief, Since the inception of philosophy and medical science, knowledge and health combined together uphold the prosperity of the human race. Moreover, it helps humans in sustaining the thing that’s most precious to them, life. Greetings. I am Anurag Vaddadi, a medical student currently in final year of MBBS and welcome to my memoir of clinical experiences regarding Clinical based blended learning and blogging